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Sucks to Be Me Page 27
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Page 27
“Thank you, Artemis.”
Artemis nodded and sat down on one of the chairs near the fireplace, leaving Donna alone in front of the council, which was how Artemis had said things would begin.
The female council member continued. “You are Belladonna Barrone, the accused?”
“I am,” Donna answered.
“Where is Claudette Martine?”
Claudette stepped forward. “Here, Your Honor.”
“You reported this child of yours cut her tether with you by draining to death the first human she drank from?”
Claudette kept her eyes straight ahead. “I did, Your Honor.”
“Do you, Belladonna, understand what you’re being accused of?”
“I do, Your Honor.”
“Then how do you plead?”
Donna took a breath, catching Pierce nodding out of the corner of her eye. “Not guilty, Your Honor, which my attorney will prove, but I also accuse my sire, Claudette Martine, of neglect, something else my attorney will prove.”
“What?” Claudette screeched.
The councilwoman ignored Claudette. “You have an attorney?”
“I do, Your Honor.”
The council members spoke amongst themselves for a moment, then the leader spoke again. “We will allow it, as well as the counter suit. The trial shall proceed.”
Chapter Thirty-five
“You can’t do that,” Claudette growled.
The councilwoman banged the gavel. “Order. It is well within the accused’s right to make a counterclaim. Belladonna, please present your attorney.”
Pierce came to stand beside her. He looked every inch the professional in a dark suit and power tie.
Donna introduced him. “My attorney, Pierce Harrison.”
Pierce nodded.
The councilwoman seemed unimpressed. “You are human?”
“I am, but I have known about vampires most of my adult life. My brother was a vampire.”
“I see.” Her tone changed slightly, but not enough to keep Donna from being worried. “Please present your argument.”
“Thank you, Your Honor. I would first like to call Rico Medina as a character witness for Ms. Barrone.”
“A character witness?” The councilwoman shook her head. “This is highly unusual.”
“Your Honor,” Pierce began, “Ms. Barrone’s life is at stake. I see no reason not to make the council aware of her stellar character and upstanding nature.”
The councilwoman seemed to frown. “I suppose we must allow it. After this witness, you will present your case?”
“After him and the other four character witnesses who have come to speak on Ms. Barrone’s behalf. I also have a letter from a respected physician attesting to Ms. Barrone’s outstanding character.”
The councilwoman hesitated. “You have five witnesses and a letter.”
It wasn’t a question, but Pierce answered anyway. “Yes, Your Honor. Three vampires, one werewolf—Mr. Medina, who is also a special agent in the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation—and Sister Mary Lazarus Immaculata of the Sisters of the Holy Rosary.”
The councilwoman seemed flummoxed. “The accused has a nun as a character witness.”
Again, not a question. But again, Pierce answered. “Yes, Your Honor.”
“One moment.” The councilwoman conferred with the rest of the council, and Donna realized they’d put themselves on mute. Minutes ticked by.
Claudette scowled at no one in particular. Maybe at all of them. “I was just doing my duty as sire when I reported what you did. You told me you killed that man. What was I supposed to do?”
Artemis answered before Donna could say a word. “We are allowed to make our own judgments based on the circumstances. A lost tether is a serious matter. As is the gaining of unusual or extraordinary powers, but I don’t find Donna to be a danger, nor do I think she will become one. Things I believe you would have known if you had taken a more active role as her sire.”
Claudette frowned, but was prevented from responding by the return of the council.
The female spoke again. “We have determined that you shall present your case. Once we’ve heard it, we will decide if the character witnesses are necessary.”
That wasn’t exactly fair, but at least it meant the positive things Donna’s friends had to say would be the last things the council heard about her before deciding her fate. That actually didn’t seem so bad.
Pierce nodded. “Then let me begin.”
Twenty minutes later, Pierce concluded. He’d perfectly mapped out Donna’s human life and how she feared the dangerous men her husband had dealt with, how she’d been abandoned by Claudette, how she’d struggled to learn the elementary steps of becoming a vampire, and how the lack of support from her sire had led her unwittingly down a dark path.
Donna wished she could have clapped. He was brilliant, and she understood perfectly why he’d never been defeated. He’d somehow made the fact that they were even gathered for this trial seem foolish.
The councilwoman spoke again. “And now the secondary accused may speak. Claudette?”
She stood again, coming to face the council. She shook her head. “I didn’t mean to leave Donna alone for so long. She really didn’t seem to want me around, and my last child had gone rogue, so—”
“Then you admit there was neglect.”
Claudette’s entire body slumped. She looked beaten. Donna felt for her. “Yes.”
Soft whispering filtered through from the council side, then the councilwoman spoke. “We find Belladonna Barrone not guilty. We find Claudette Martine guilty. The trial is over. Belladonna is free to go. Claudette is sentenced to death.”
Claudette fell to her knees, a desperate cry ripping out of her.
Donna’s mouth came open as the gavel banged the table. “Wait.”
“Yes?” The councilwoman paused.
“Do I now take over Claudette’s position as governor?”
“Yes, but Artemis will swear you in.”
“I want it done now. In front of the council and before Claudette’s sentence is carried out.”
“That is highly unusual.”
Donna’s heart was pounding. “Please, Your Honor.”
“Fine. We will grant it.”
Artemis joined them. “Raise your right hand.”
Donna lifted her hand. Claudette was sobbing softly where she lay on the floor.
“Do you swear to abide by the laws of the Immortus Concilio, to uphold them as ordered, and to obey the edicts of your queen?”
“I do.”
“Then I hereby pronounce you vampire governor of the state of New Jersey.”
Donna put her hand down. “Is that it?”
“That’s it,” Artemis said. “You’re governor.”
“Perfect, thanks.” Donna turned to face the council. “As my first act as governor, I pardon Claudette Martine.”
Claudette gasped and looked at Donna. “You would do that for me?”
Donna nodded but said nothing. The council members had muted themselves again.
All she could see were heads bent in conversation. After a moment, the councilwoman came back to them. “Such mercy is unusual in our world. Perhaps it is merely a holdover from your human life, but we hope it is a sign of the kind of governor you will be. We will grant the pardon, but a second leniency will not be allowed.”
Donna smiled. “Thank you. I’m sure Claudette understands that.”
“I do,” Claudette called out.
“Be well, Governor Barrone.”
“And you, councilwoman.”
The image of the rolling waves returned, and a collective sigh filled the room as if everyone had just released the breath they’d been holding.
Florian and Heath started packing up the equipment.
“That was freaking amazing,” Neo said. “I can’t believe I’m friends with the governor.”
Donna laughed, but a few tears fell as well. “
Crazy, right?”
“Congratulations.” Pierce looked as if he wanted to hug her.
Donna shook her head. “You were the amazing one, Pierce.”
“You really were,” Francine said.
He smiled. “Thank you. Just doing what I was hired to do.”
Artemis approached Claudette, who was still sitting on the floor, apparently in shock. “Let this be a reckoning for you, child.”
“Yes, sire.” Claudette nodded hard. “It definitely is.”
Artemis glanced back at Donna. “I will be back tomorrow at sundown to show you the governor’s residence and turn over the keys. We’ll set everything else up then too.”
“Everything else?” Also, a residence?
“Your salary, for one. Plus, you’ll need to meet your assistants, your secretary, and your driver.”
“I…okay.” It was a lot to take in. Almost too much. “Tomorrow night.”
“Until then.” Artemis left, Florian and Heath following behind with their aluminum cases.
Cammie got up and hugged Donna and whispered in her ear, “I’m so glad I don’t have to be the executor of your will.”
“Me too.” Donna laughed softly even as she sniffed back a sob. “Thank you for being here.”
Cammie let go and smoothed her habit. “I might be here a lot more, depending on what the church decides. They’re supposed to tell me tomorrow.”
“You always have a home here.”
“Well, for now I need to get a taxi back to the convent. Love you, Sis.”
“Love you, Sis.”
Rico had his keys in his hand. “Would you like a ride? I go right by there.”
“That would be kind of you. Thank you.”
Rico nodded. “Happy to do it.” He waved to Donna. “Glad it all worked out. I’ll be in touch.”
She waved back. “Thank you for coming and for all your help.”
As he and Cammie left, Claudette approached Donna. “I owe you my life.”
Donna wasn’t going to casually brush that off. “Yes, you do. But in a way, I owe you mine as well. You saved me in the cemetery and your help with Big Tony was huge. I appreciate both of those things. Just please, don’t mistake my mercy now for weakness. You didn’t deserve to die for being a bad sire but coming after me in an attempt to get your position back will not end well. Do you understand me?”
She nodded. “I do. And I’m not going to try to take it back. I wasn’t very good at being governor. I really think I’m going to get out of here. Maybe go to Europe for a bit. I don’t know. But I promise I’m not going to cause you any more trouble. I owe you too much to do that.”
“Yes, you do.”
Claudette nodded. “Thank you again. If you ever need anything from me, you have my number.”
“I do. Be well.”
She went outside, reminding Donna very much of a scolded dog.
Francine, who’d been sitting on the couch with Neo and Bunni, raised her eyebrows. “Boy, you sure came out on top.” She got up and walked over. “Tell you what. Next week, I’m throwing you a big party at my place to celebrate.”
“You don’t have to go to all that trouble,” Donna said.
“Trouble? Honey, I’m about to show off to all my friends that I’m besties with the governor.” She laughed. “You just show up and look pretty.” She patted Pierce’s arm. “And bring this tall drink of water.”
Donna snorted and looked at Pierce. “Would you like to go?”
“I would love to.”
Donna nodded at Francine. “We’ll be there.” Then she glanced at Bunni and Neo. “Thank you all for coming. Really means a lot to me that you were so ready to stand up for me.”
Neo shrugged. “We newbies gotta stick together.”
She and Bunni joined Francine. “Yeah,” Bunni said. “Plus, if Sergio knew I was in Joe Barrone’s house, he’d lose it. In fact, I might even text him. Not that he’ll believe me.”
“Why don’t you go down that hall and into Joe’s office and take a selfie to send to Sergio?”
Bunni’s eyes widened. “For real?”
“For real.”
As Bunni tottered off on her stilettos, Donna took a long, deep breath and looked at Pierce. “I can’t believe I’m governor.”
He smiled. “You’re going to be great. You are going to need an assistant, however.”
“I thought I already had one.”
His smile widened. “You do.”
Neo nudged Francine. “Come on, we can’t let Bunni be the only one with a selfie in the Mafia guy’s office, or we’ll never hear the end of it.”
“You’re right,” Francine said.
The two took off down the hall.
Donna slipped her hand into Pierce’s. “You saved my life tonight. There’s no way to repay you for that.”
“I meant it when I said I was doing my job.”
“Well, you did it extraordinarily. Thank you.”
He kissed the back of her hand. “You’re welcome, my queen.”
“You’re really going to make space in your career to be my assistant?”
He nodded. “I am. But I have to ask you something. And I want an honest answer.”
“Okay.” She owed him that much.
“Could you see me as more than your assistant? I’m talking someday in the future. Not tomorrow.”
The question gave her a moment of pause. She liked Pierce a lot. But she also liked Rico. Or was that just some kind of cross-species attraction? She didn’t know. And she was done trying to figure things out, at least for a day or two. “I think I could. Someday in the future. But right now? You need to know that my life is beyond complicated. I’m not ready to add a romantic relationship to the chaos I’m dealing with. But I do like you. A lot. Not just because you saved my life either. I think being friends would be perfect for me right now.”
His smile remained. “I’m okay with that. I’m okay with anything that involves getting to spend more time with you. Even if it’s because of the chaos in your life, some of which I have a feeling might require a lawyer.”
She laughed. “You’re not wrong there.”
He tugged on her hand. “Well, Madam Governor, how about I draw you a hot bath and pour you a big glass of whatever you’d like? Then make sure your friends are safely on their way home? I’ll even get Lucky his dinner.”
“A bath…just for me, right?”
He laughed. “Just for you.”
Her grin felt permanent, a nice change after the couple of weeks she’d had. She nodded and let him lead her toward the stairs. “I think I could get used to this.”
“Being governor? Or being a vampire?”
“Both.” As well as having a man around who genuinely wanted to look after her, but she’d keep that to herself for now. Although she might tell him to tone down the goddess stuff. Eventually.
“Good, because it’s nice to see you smile.”
“It’s nice to be able to smile.” She meant it too. Despite everything going on, she was somehow happy. Her problems still existed, but she’d worry about them tomorrow.
Tonight, she was just going to enjoy her life. Because, for once in a long time, it didn’t suck to be her.
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About the Author
USA Today Best Selling Author Kristen Painter is a little obsessed with cats, books, chocolate, and shoes. It’s a healthy mix. She loves to entertain her readers with interesting twists and unforgettable characters. She currently writes two best-selling paranormal romance series: Nocturne Falls and Shadowvale. She also writes the spin off cozy mystery series, Jayne Frost. The former college English teacher can o
ften be found all over social media where she loves to interact with readers:
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Other Books by Kristen Painter
Jayne Frost series:
Miss Frost Solves a Cold Case: A Nocturne Falls Mystery
Miss Frost Ices the Imp: A Nocturne Falls Mystery
Miss Frost Saves the Sandman: A Nocturne Falls Mystery
Miss Frost Cracks a Caper: A Nocturne Falls Mystery
When Birdie Babysat Spider: A Jayne Frost Short
Miss Frost Braves the Blizzard: A Nocturne Falls Mystery
Miss Frost Chills the Cheater: A Nocturne Falls Mystery
Miss Frost Says I Do: A Nocturne Falls Mystery
Happily Everlasting Series:
Witchful Thinking
Shadowvale Series:
The Trouble with Witches
The Vampire’s Cursed Kiss
The Forgettable Miss French
Nocturne Falls series:
The Vampire’s Mail Order Bride
The Werewolf Meets His Match
The Gargoyle Gets His Girl
The Professor Woos the Witch
The Witch’s Halloween Hero – short story
The Werewolf’s Christmas Wish – short story
The Vampire’s Fake Fiancée
The Vampire’s Valentine Surprise – short story
The Shifter Romances the Writer
The Vampire’s True Love Trials – short story
The Vampire’s Accidental Wife
The Reaper Rescues the Genie
The Detective Wins the Witch
The Vampire’s Priceless Treasure
Sin City Collectors series:
Queen of Hearts
Dead Man’s Hand